"Today's youngsters are tomorrow's youth who are the SOUL of the society and the BACKBONE of a nation. If the SOUL is sick and the BACKBONE is weak, a healthy society and a strong nation cannot be imagined".

On the one hand, youngsters are highly talented. They have immense potential and unusual capabilities, which they display in every sphere of life. However, on the hand rising tendencies of anger aggression, arrogance intolerance, hatred, bullying, violence, drug addiction in the schoolchildren is a very saddening and worrisome reality. The advent of new technology is accompanied by its own perils. Pornography and other similar afflictions have a poisonous effect on their mind.

According to a survey by an organization "Society for education" 45% schoolchildren are grossly indisciplined and in the grip of negativity. All this is attributed to the fast declining MORAL VALUES in the children. It is not only dissipating their talent and capability but rendering them with a weak and fragile personality.

Bearing this scenario in mind, Mr. Yogendra Kumar Garg, an educationist, a philosopher and a great visionary realized the paramount need for an exclusive organization to carry out the mission of inculcating moral values and character building in young generation.

Hence, at the initiative and guidance of Mr. Garg, Life Value Foundation came into being in the year 2019. Life Value Foundation is a registered organisation under Indian Trusts Act, 1882, comprising of a team of distinguished educationists, psychologists, spiritualists and human rights crusaders.


The main objective of Life Value Foundation is to hold various programmes and events to inculcate moral values in young children, strengthen their character, create in make them a vibrant and powerful personality and take them on a journey to a healthy and meaningful life and being a valued part of the human society and nation.

As parents are an inseparable part for the healthy growth of a child, exclusive programmes will be conducted to empower and enlighten the parents for positive, rational and impactful parenting.

As teachers also play a vital role in the life of a student, special programmes will be organized to equip and empower the educators with such values, which help them to build the character of a student.



Mr. Yogendra Kumar Garg, an educationist by profession has been a social activist and a relentless crusader for spiritual values for last 20 years. He has worked with several social and spiritual organisations of international repute for over a decade. It is his philosophy, vision and inspiring spirit, which has led to the formation of Life Value Foundation.


Ruhani Garg - masters in psychology and LLB, is a psychologist by profession. She has worked with many social organisations. She has been passionately working for the upliftment of young children and has vast experience of organising programmes and conducting workshops based on the Psycho- spiritual concept for the holistic development of young children.

Dishani Garg - a lawyer by profession and a true penchant for social service. She has closely worked for thewelfare of people with disabilities for past several years. She has been involved with the PR activities for youth workshops and events and has been an active and committed volunteer at several seminars, campaigns, marches for spiritual and cultural development of youth.


Dr. Ratnesh Kumar, Member

Currently working as a medical social with AIIMS, New Delhi. He has aslo worked as resource person in the field of form and non-formal education and has cultivated value-based education. He is a recipient of various national awards for this commendable work in the field of social welfare.

Ankita Singh, Member

She is a development practitioner who has closely been working with adolescents and young people in creating learning and leadership journeys. She is currently working with an NGO in Delhi and running a program with ten grassroot level organizations on building decision making capacities for young people.